Monday, 5 November 2007

Need For Speed Pt 1: Is the Speed Camera really effective?

While governments have insisted that speed cameras are effective ever since they started implementing them. However, studies have concluded that while the presence of speed cameras reduces speeds, it also results in a whole plethora of other dangerous side effects which could potentially cost more lives than they save.

Am I talking out of my ass? Judge for yourself:

Safe Speed is a website started by Paul Smith, who has been campaigning for road safety for years through the abolishment of the speed camera. He has spent 5,000 hours researching the absence of a correlation between the number of cameras and the reduction of fatalities. The conclusion is that "far from acting as a deterrent, speed cameras take responsibility for safe speed away from drivers, and their concentration from the road. Cameras are as likely to cause an accident as to prevent one."

The study: [Link]
More statistics: [Link]

Various studies have also suggested that there is a very tenuous link between reductions in road fatalities and the introduction of speed cameras.

In Australia: [Link]

There is also proof that speed cameras aren't very accurate at all.

Statistics: [Link]
Real Life: [Link]

Even the cops seem to think that it's alright: [Link]

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