Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Men Have No Balls

Yes, I know it's a generalisation. Yes, I know women have their own faults. I'm not talking about women, and I'm talking about men in general. I say, men have no balls.

Let's talk this through. Men go out, check out girls and when they spot a hot one they whoop/holler/make smoochey sounds/catcalls depending on where you are. What would happen if the girl actually went up the men and spoke to them? Think they'd bite? I doubt. And if they had the chance, would they actually work up the courage to talk to the girl? Sincere and pervasive doubt.

I say men have no ball because most men who take on more than 1 wife in Malaysia (it's legal, for those not in the know) keep them hidden from their first wives and their families. The fact that they hide them tells me that they think that what they're doing is wrong, immoral and unethical. The shit thing is, when they die, their families are left to deal with the tangled webs that they've woven. Suddenly finding out that there's another family at a time of loss isn't the best way to go about it. Also suddenly finding out that you have to share his assets isn't a great thing either. What's worse is finding out there isn't enough left for the wives to live on. You know what a man with balls would do? If you're capable of starting another family, have the balls to tell your current one. Face up to it.

I say men have no balls because unlike television and movies, men don't really know what love means. On screen, love means "I'll do anything for you. I'll fight for you and bleed for you and die just to be with you." In real life, it means, "I'm sorry, this is just getting terribly inconvenient. I'm facing pressure from some other parties, so I'm just gonna have to go ahead and let you go. All the best."

I say men have no balls because men would rather sit and wait for someone else to solve a problem than work it out, or if they tend to have 1 ball, then take the easiest way out. Unless of course, someone else tells "makes" them do something in which case they have someone to blame it on.

I say men have no balls because everyday I see men not stepping up to the challenge and just coasting their way through life. And in the sidelines, you see people getting hurt, people floundering and people just generally needing help.

  1. Of course when I said "men" I didn't mean you. I meant other men! Sure!
  2. As with all generalisations, there are exceptions to the rule. Of course you're the exception! Sure!
  3. This is my blog, and I'll write what I want.
  4. Flame on.