Monday, 17 August 2009

Why I Am Vegetarian

See, I told you I'd do it. No, it's not because I'm on a diet. No, it's not because I'm watching my figure. No, it's not meant to be temporary. No, it's not even because I'm being compassionate about animals. I don't even believe that turning vegetarian will help the global food situation. As a matter of fact, I personally believe that turning vegetarian will make it worse. Please send flames and hate mail to, thanks.

The reason I'm turning vegetarian is because I've been put off meat. A combination of things have resulted in me looking at a drumstick in a funny way. For example:

  1. In Australia, whenever I bought chicken with the skin on, the stems of the feathers would still be stuck on the skin which would just totally put me off.
  2. Several times, when I've cracked open an egg, there'd be "something" in it which, at first glance, would just look like a speck. Closer inspection would reveal otherwise.
  3. Several comparisons between meat (both pork and beef) and human meat have made it so that whenever I eat meat, I have to think of something else to distract myself.

Why now? Well, I've always kind of wanted to go vegetarian. When I was about 11 years old, I actually told my parents that I wanted to, and was met with questions like, "Where are you going to get your protein? What about your calcium?" and because I was 11 and didn't actually like eating vegetables, it didn't work out. I've found that vegetables now, I guess through a combination of cheaper import costs and agricultural development taste much better than they used to, especially the leafy green stuff.

What changed? Well, to be honest, the only reason I never went vegetarian is because I didn't think I could. That's what changed. I'd tried it before for just a day and thought I couldn't do it because I'd get hungry too quickly. MisDeeds convinced me that I had to try it for more than a day before I could see what it was really like. I did, and quickly found out that it was much easier than I'd thought.

And now, after a 2-3 week trial run, I'm officially a full vegetarian.

A vegetarian's guide to being, well, vegetarian

Yes, I know, it's been a while since my last post. Shut up. I've been very regular right up until now, and this time it's only because I thought my office content filter would ban Blogger. Fair assumption, right?

Anyway, since the last time I posted, I've officially turned vegetarian. No shit. For real. Hence, the following nutrition guide for beginner vegetarians:

Friedchillies on Twitter have also been very helpful after they found out I'm a n00bie vegetarian. I haven't told my parents yet. I suspect they're going to go, "Where did we go wrong? What did we do to deserve this?"

In other news, we had a Farewell Meat pot luck at my place where I spent a day pigging out on the carcasses of dead animals. But seriously, I bet your question now is, "What the hell? Why?" so I shall follow up this entry with another entitled, "Why I am vegetarian".