Tuesday, 23 March 2010

How Much Water Are We Actually Using?

National Geographic has this awesome feature  where it lets you see how much water it takes to produce 1lb of whatever food is on your table. It's terribly enlightening.

For example, did you know (and you clearly didn't) that it takes 1,799 gallons of water to make 0.5kg of beef? That's excluding the extras for feed and drinking water, by the way.

Think that's bad? That's nothing compared to how much water it takes to make chocolate.

Seriously. It's mind-blowing. Here's some single-glance tables of what National Geographic's done up nicely in graphics:

I know what you're thinking. 1 t-shirt? Really? And 1 sheet of paper translates to 10 litres of water. Not to mention the water:milk production ratio is 880:1. And it's 1,008:1 for water:wine. I wonder how Jesus did it.

Food for thought.