Thursday, 1 November 2007

Customer Service Review: Smack

I've decided to include a new type of entry to this little piece of internet real estate that I call my own: Customer service reviews. As many know, once I get started on bad customer service, I don't stop. On the other hand, I'm more than willing to acknowledge good customer service, so I feel that I won't be too bad a reviewer.

Review #1: Smack

Business: Authorised Apple Reseller
Location: L2-23 & 25, Level 2, Bangsar Village 2

I was having problems with my iPod (Surprised? You shouldn't be), and went to Smack to try and get it fixed because it's in a convenient location to my office. I figured there shouldn't be a problem, because it was still under warranty. Little did I know.

I waited for over a week, and when they didn't call me, I dropped by when I was in Bangsar to check up on it. Lo and behold, there it was! Right on the table! Was it fixed? No. It wasn't really their fault, though. Apple said that it wasn't under warranty (even though I'd only bought it in January).

The following was a conversation that I had with a storeperson:

Me: Do you have the number for the Apple hotline?
Him: The what ah?
Me: You know the number you call? For Apple?
Him: Ya.
Me: What's the number ah?
Him: What ah?

Genius. So I moved on.

When I gave them my iPod, I presented them with my purchase receipt from the store in Dubai, which the female storeperson took. I asked her for it. This is what happened:

She: [Looked around]. Don't have la... I don't think you gave it to us.
Me: Yes, I did give it to you. I gave it to you, yourself. Remember?
She: [Looked around a bit more]. I think you took it back.
Me: No, I didn't. I gave it to you.

That was when the boss whom they'd been dialling a couple of times since my arrival walked back in the store, found my receipt in my iPod pouch thing, and wrote down the Apple hotline, all without me asking. All in all, we know who really runs Smack.

Verdict: Useless.

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