Sunday 21 February 2010

I Am Woman

How much are we controlled by our physical bodies? If we have a tumour in the part of the brain that controls impulses, will that affect our decision-making ability?

I, according to a one of those personality tests I did a while back, apparently think more like a man than I do like a woman. I mean, it's not like these online tests are exactly believable, but it's something to think about. I like cars and for some reason I tend to prefer male wallets and laptop bags and stuff.

I ask the question because I've only just found out that I apparently have a condition that makes me have more testosterone than I should. It's not life threatening at all or anything and it doesn't really affect me very much, but I'm going to start taking these things that regulate it.

Will that change me? Will I suddenly feel an urge to wear bright pink? To wear makeup everyday? To want to find someone to marry and pop out a bunch of kids and stay home and cook? It begs the question...


  1. how much more testosterone do you have>?

  2. apparently, more than the usual because my body produces excess estrogen and is thus converted to testosterone. so my doctor(s) tell me.


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