Friday, 23 January 2009

Customer Service Review: MPH

Business: Bookshop
Location: Nationwide

The Situation:

I am looking for my CFA-certified calculator. After asking around, I found out that they had it in Border's. Went to Border's today with no such luck. Of course, because as it turns out, 2009 is just as much of a bitch as 2008 was. Then I found out that they had it in MPH, and instead of making the same mistake as I did with Border's, which was to go all the way to the store and get annoyed at salespeople, I decided to call them.

Him: Hello, MPH.

Me: Hi, I'm looking for a calculator, the Texas Instruments BA II Plus.

Him: That's B for Bangkok?

Me: Yes.

Him: The 'plus' is it the symbol or the word 'plus', ma'am?

Me: It's the word.

Him: Ok, ma'am, is it a financial calculator or a graphical calculator?

Me: I'm not sure, but it's CFA-certified.

Him: Ok, ma'am, I'll check with our department here and see if we have this calculator on stock and call you back.

Me: Great, thank you!

The Verdict:

This, my friends, is what good customer service is. I told him the name of the calculator and he immediately wrote it down without asking me to repeat. He checked when he wasn't sure, and he was damn fast at it.

The verdict? I'm super happy with MPH's customer service.

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