Thursday 11 September 2008

Ramadhan Madness

Every year, Muslims around the world go through a month of fasting in observance of their faith. We fast from sunrise to sunset everyday throughout the globe (except the North and South poles). No food or drinking, no ingestion of anything, including smoking, no losing your temper. There are many reasons for this observance, including promoting a healthier lifestyle, teaching patience and understanding, combating greed, and helping Muslims understand what it is to be poor.

As a result of this observance, we get physically tired, and we punish our bodies after sunset when we eat like there's no tomorrow. A common phrase heard after sunset is, "I'm soooooooo full."

A few tips for feeling better during Ramadhan:
  1. You can't really go with the 'Don't go food shopping when you're hungry' rule during this period, but be sensible. When you're at your local pasar Ramadhan and shopping, don't buy more than 2 or 3 dishes for yourself. You're not likely to be able to finish it. Remember, during Ramadhan, your stomach shrinks, and you feel full much faster.
  2. Be a bit more active at night. Take a walk, swim a bit, or go to the gym for some light exercise. This will work off your bloated feeling. It will also help keep you fit and lose weight.
  3. Always drink water after sunset. This is very important in keeping your body hydrated.
  4. If you have problems waking up for sahur, then eat sahur before you go to sleep.
  5. Stay away from foods full of sodium during sahur, as this will stimulate your stomach enzymes and make you feel hungry when you wake up.
  6. Eat plenty of fruits to help keep your body loaded with vitamins.
  7. To help keep your energy up, take a nap during your lunch break. After all, you're not eating, right?

Happy fasting.

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