Monday 7 July 2008

Let it be

The reason The Beatles were so popular was probably because their lyrics made so much sense to everyone. They still do. To me, anyway.

It's all getting way too real. Less than 3 weeks from now, I'll be in the middle of a rainforest in the humid Borneo doing god knows what with no electricity, no plumbing, and barely anything on me. The handbook suggests that we bring a notebook in which to write a journal and I thought about how I've been writing in this thing and what it meant to me.

True, it's just another blog where my entries totally depend on my availability and my mood. Then again, it's a place to store my thoughts and keep track of my life to see how far I've come. It's amazing exactly how much has happened in the short span of 6 months 1 week. Come to think of it, a lot more will happen in the short span of 5 weeks.

Let's recap:

  1. I found someone to care about.
  2. I lost someone I cared about so much for the very stupid reason of me not realising how little I meant to him.

And really, in the light of everything else, these two things were the things that really mattered the most for the year. I'm still waiting for my answer, though.

And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be. For though they may be parted there is still a chance that they will see, there will be an answer. Let it be.

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