Monday, 22 October 2007

Stupid Questions and Comments

A continuously updated list of stupid questions and comments.

  1. In reference to a coconut: "How do they get the water inside?"
  2. In reference to a Formula 1 track on a very, very rainy day: "Why is it so wet?"
  3. "It's got scales, of course it's not a lizard."
  4. "So my gardener asked us.. " "Who's Mike Garner?"
  5. "What's your house wine?" "Um.................................... Australian."
  6. "Teacher, why is sea water so salty? Izzit because of the salted fish?" [Source: youtiup]
  7. [Arriving in Sabah] "I know this is a stupid question, but is there a time difference?"
  8. "What's your name?" "Farah." "Faraj?" "F for Fred, A for Apple, R for Robert, A for Apple, H for Home." "Okay, so Fred Apple Robert Apple Home."
  9. The story of the URL:

Bra: I got lost

Whoren: You are so

Bra: What's that? I click nothing happened also ...

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