Friday, 5 October 2007

Road Rage

What happened this morning?
Well, you see... this red Honda Civic decided that it didn't matter that I was right next to him on the road. He decided it would be a good idea to try and occupy my space anyway.

Was that ridiculously stupid?
Yes, yes it was.

Did I honk at home?
Like you would not believe. Plus the look for extra points. I think I scared his passenger. As she should be.

Did he give a shit?
No, he just went on trying to change lanes. I don't understand why he didn't just go and do it. His first method worked so well.

Why was he changing so many lanes?
Because the fucker was on the faster moving leftmost lane to cut other people and only decided at the absolute last minute to change lanes so he wouldn't go up to Jln Semantan. As you do.

Did he deserve a baseball bat to the windshield?

Did I do it?
No, but I should start carrying a baseball bat around.

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