Wednesday 22 April 2009

Dwell not upon thy weariness,

thy strength shall be according to the measure of thy desire. -Arab Proverb

As you may or may not know or care, I toyed with the idea of walking to work after I moved. As the bird flies, the distance between my home and my office is so near it's scary. The problem lies in the distance that I'd have to walk, and given the rising crime rate, snatch thefts and rape cases, it's always a worry for safety.

So that plan was scrapped.

The other day, I suddenly thought, 'Why not cycle?'. For some reason, it never cross my mind before. How odd is that?

Anyway, I'm now considering cycling to work. I've scoped out the route there and worked out that there is a sidewalk that goes most of the way. The only issue lies in U-turning, meaning I have to make my way across a busy, 4-lane highway. Suicide? Maybe not.

Issues to be considered:

  1. I'll be sweaty from cycling due to the uphill and downhill-ness of it all.
  2. I have to find a spot to U-turn without killing myself.
  3. Safety.
  4. I'd have to bring my office clothes in a bag, as well as my handbag. Where do these things go?

I'm seriously leaning towards this. Come help me solve my issues and help me become greener.

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