Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Flash of Brilliance

In a brilliant and incredibly advanced move for such an environmentally degraded country, Indonesia has announced the following. From Reuters: Trees for kids: Indonesia's way of beating global warming:

JAKARTA (Reuters) - An Indonesian city battling the effects of deforestation has come up with a novel way of tackling the problem. Would-be families must plant a tree.

"Everyone who wants to get married or apply for a birth certificate must plant a tree," Syahrum Syah Setia, the head of Balikpapan city's Environmental Impact Management Agency, said.

"The city's condition is already worrying, and we must act to tackle global warming."

Brilliant! Don't know why this wasn't frontpage news worldwide. Malaysia should do that. Or make it so that everytime DBKL cuts down a tree needlessly from the roadside, they have to plant one somewhere else.

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