Friday 5 September 2008

The Water Miracle?

Good news for those who're fasting: it turns out that there's no actual scientific data to prove the "8 glasses of water a day" rule. As a matter of fact, according to the Wall Street Journal, there's apparently no real scientific data that proves that drinking water does any of the following:

  • increases calorie-burning;
  • reduces migraines;
  • increases blood flow to the skin;
  • improves the functions of various organs; or
  • flushes out the toxins from your body.

But before you stop drinking water totally, though these haven't been proven, it doesn't mean that drinking water isn't any good. It still helps prevent cancer, strokes, and kidney stones and all kinds of other bad things. The main point is that if you're not susceptible to it, there's no necessity to force-feed yourself 8 glasses a day. Especially if you're fasting and try to do it within 4 hours.

There actually is such a thing as drinking too much water and people have died from it. The body can only absorb 1 quart of water per hour, after which your brain could start swelling. That should be your guide to how much to drink at night in the fasting month.

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