Thursday, 24 April 2008

So much on PostSecret these days...

One of the cons of the freedom to talk about subjects that used to be taboo. I can see how it could happen, though. I drove past a man who I thought needed medical attention because I was scared it was a trap and I'd get kidnapped and raped. In broad daylight.

----Email Message-----
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2008 11:55 AM
Subject: 4/19 Chapstick

This is the first time a secret has compelled me to email you. When I saw this, I thought to myself... there is no chapstick in my country either. My country feels like prison to me.

My first thought was that this must be a Muslim woman. Is that wrong?

-----Email Message-----
Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2008 10:10 PM
Subject: Life is easier

I am a medical student who recently heard a doctor who works with people who are going through gender reassignments. The (male) doctor said that as part of the pre-surgery counseling, he always asks the male-to-female patients if they are ready to give up their privileged-male status in society. He said the patients often come back to him after they have completed their transition into a female. They tell him that they didn’t realize how significant the privileged-male status is.
And then there's always the cold hard slap of the truth. No matter how much we
try to lie to ourselves about it.

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