Wednesday, 1 December 2010

2010 Round Up

Another year is coming to a close, and I will be spending it in what I hope will turn out to be a most spectacular way. Like a broken record, I'd like to say that this year was like totally ridiculous, and I'm just glad it's over. If I ever get around to printing that "I survived 2008" t-shirt, I'll have to amend that to "I survived 2008-2010".

I mean, is it just that those years were exceptional, or is adulthood really that hard? People around me seem to be happy and carefree. Is it just me? Am I expecting too much?

I do know that I've learned a lesson after 3 long years: Don't trust people so much that you end up being vulnerable. I ventured into the adult world with a certainty that people were inherently good and that if I gave them a chance, surely they would afford me the same respect. Needless to say, I got screwed over.

Now most of my time is spent being upset at the injustices and indignations that I and other people have to suffer, and I vowed to stand up for myself. Why? Because nice guys finish last. On the other hand, being happy go-lucky also means being jaded enough not to care. So either I finish last, or I'm jaded.

This is going around in circles. Let's just say that 2010 was a bitch. I don't expect much more from 2011, but at least I'll be prepared. And probably mostly jaded, so that'll help.

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